To those of you that are vising this site for the first time, scroll to the bottom of the posts to read what has been happening over the past year.
Lights in a Blue World:
For you folks that have been visiting this site, this is a great ministry opportunity! There are going to be a lot of people at The Loft that do not know our Lord, some may have a knowledge of Him or some may not care at all! Time to take the church to the people in a blessed way! This is a B I G event. Remember to whom Jesus taught. We can be lights in a blue world! We are all going, Hanna too. Mark the date - November 27th!
Thank You Rineharts!!
Hey Rachael! We are in the car together and we just got the update via email. We are so encouraged by this - by your life, by the testimony that this all bears. Praying for this event and for God to work in a mighty way! We love you soooo much!
Hey Rachael!! This is so cool!! I really wish I could come to Fl. to come see you... maybe the LORD will bring us together this summer!! :D I love you girl and am praying for you!! I miss you so much!! :D
Dear Rachael, I am so happy to see this fund raising benefit come together that will indeed benefit you, hopefully in many, many ways. Thanks so very much to everyone who is putting in their time and effort to make this happen, as this is so important to Rachael's recovery. Nancy and Burt have worked very hard to get Rachael access to treatments and therapies that are truly working in allowing her to progress in her healing, most of which are either not covered by insurance or only covered for a limited amount. Rachael knows these things are helping her gain more function with speech and motor control and she is eager to continue the hyperbaric oxygen treatments and works very hard at her therapy sessions. So it is essential that these treatments and therapies remain available and accessible to her. I encourage all who read this to pass the benefit date and place information on to family, friends and co-workers and invite them all to come participate in this event as part of TEAM RACHAEL! With your support, Rachael can continue to have the best opportunity for a significant recovery of her speech and motor function If you cannot participate and contribute as part of the benefit on Sunday (or even if you can), you can also make a difference in helping Rachael recover by making a contribution to the special needs trust that is in place for her. It is an irrevocable trust and all money in it goes directly to Rachael's care and treatment. To donate to the trust, please make checks out as shown: Rachel Kaye Hinkle Irrevocable Special Needs Trust. With much love and gratitude to all for your compassion and support of Rachael and her family, Aunt Mary GO TEAM RACHAEL!!
Rachel I miss you so much. I have been praying for you all the time. I wish I was able to come and see you.
Love, melanie
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